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Anima is the continent on which the Kingdom of Mistral is located. Within Mistral are several settlements including the main city of Mistral, Wind Path and Kuchinashi. Other small settlements exist, located outside the Kingdom.

The continent is host to a wide range of ecosystems, including swamplands and wind-carved cliffs. Also notable is a large body of water known as Lake Matsu, which is host to numerous floating islands held above the water surface by giant natural deposits of gravity Dust. The floating islands of Lake Matsu themselves are known to be a habitat for dangerous Grimm, one known type being the Lancer.


Menagerie is a landmass in the southeast of Remnant where most of the Faunus population resides.

Following the Great War, the Faunus were given Menagerie as a reward for their participation, in conjunction with equal rights. While some Humans saw these rewards as fair and just, many Faunus saw it as a slap to the face, as Menagerie is two-thirds desert that is uninhabitable due to dangerous wild life.

Over time, Humanity became adamant for the Faunus population to be centralized in Menagerie, and would later push for confinement of all the Faunus there, as well as countermand of the equal rights of the Faunus earned in the Great War. In response, the Faunus revolted, sparking the Faunus Rights Revolution.

While little is known of the events of the Revolution, the Faunus were successful in preventing their confinement to Menagerie.

Faunus predominantly live on Menagerie, and it is seen as a "safe haven" for their race. The population is gathered together where the land is habitable, making it comparatively crowded, particularly in the main city Kuo Kuana. Though advanced enough in architecture and industry, Menagerie does not have a CCT tower, which makes communication with the rest of the world difficult. The White Fang also has a cell operating in Menagerie. 


Sanus is the continent on which the Kingdoms of Vale (eastern end) and Vacuo (western end) are located. Within Vale are several settlements including the main city of Vale, the island of Patch as well as several coastal cities.

The continent has a range of climates that range from verdant forests and mountains in Vale to barren deserts in Vacuo. The island of Vytal is located just to the north of the eastern end of Sanus.


Solitas is the continent on which the Kingdom of Atlas is located. Within the Kingdom is the city of Atlas, based around Atlas Academy, as well as the city of Mantle, the former capital of the Kingdom.

Solitas has a cold climate, which makes it inhospitable to both Humans and Grimm.


Kingdoms are the main outposts of civilization in Remnant. These havens are safe from the threat of the Grimm compared to the hostile world that exists outside of their borders. The majority of Humans and Faunus live within the safety of the Kingdoms.

The four Kingdoms currently in existence are:

Each of the kingdoms have their own distinct culture - for example, Atlas is known for its militaristic nature and technological innovation and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle.

The four Kingdoms are associated with a colour and have a distinct symbol as their national emblem. For example, Vale is identified with the colour green and has a pair of crossed axes as their emblem. The colour and emblem is also shared with the Huntsman Academy of that Kingdom.

The kingdoms of Atlas and Vale are in the same time zone, while Mistral is three hours ahead and Vacuo is six hours behind.

It is known that numerous civilizations existed before the founding of the Kingdoms, but they did not endure. Protected by natural barriers and human tenacity, the Kingdoms of Vale, Vacuo and Mistral were founded more than 80 years ago and managed to weather the hostility of the world into the present day. The Kingdom of Mantle existed in the region currently known as Atlas.

Around 80 years before the start of the series, all four Kingdoms became involved in the Great War, the greatest conflict in recorded history, fought over questions of individuality and oppression, among other reasons. The destructive war came to an end when a peace was brokered on the small island of Vytal.

The peace forged at Vytal would last for the next 80 years, and is celebrated biennially by the Vytal Festival, a cultural exchange and celebration of the diversity of the four Kingdoms.

Also founded at the peace accords of Vytal were the four Huntsmen Academies, one to each Kingdom, whose purpose was to train Huntsmen and Huntresses, warriors who would fight the Creatures of Grimm and whose allegiance would not be linked to a Kingdom. Huntsmen and Huntresses from these Academies would also compete in a combat tournament in the Vytal Festival every two years. The Huntsman academies and the Kingdoms they correspond to are:

Some time after the founding of the Academies, the Kingdom of Mantle ceased to exist. The Academy, military and government coalesced into one new Kingdom, known as the Kingdom of Atlas.

As a gift to the other Kingdoms, Atlas also gifted the other three Kingdoms with a new communication technology known as the Cross Continental Transmit System, which would allow all four to stay in contact.

Each of the Kingdoms has a governing council that sees to the needs of its people. The councils presumably control the day-to-day running of the Kingdoms and make policy decisions.

The Huntsmen Academies are separate from the government but still work under the authority of the governing council, which have some influence over the appointments to the headmaster of the Academy. Huntsmen and Huntresses are also sent on missions to uphold the security and safety of the Kingdoms.

In addition to Huntsmen and Huntresses, conventional militaries also exist, but most Kingdoms only call upon their citizens when it is necessary.

However, Atlas is distinct to the other three Kingdoms, in that the Academy, military and government all exist as a single institution. Atlas is also known to keep a standing conventional military which also includes Specialists, or Special Operatives Huntsmen, who work with the military. However, this is a controversial practice given that Huntsmen are intended to be independent of Kingdom allegiance.

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